What is Pilates?

Pilates is a system of exercises that develop strength, flexibility, balance, focus and stamina. It is an exercise method that is suitable for people of all ages, body types and athletic abilities - whether you're fit & active and hoping to stay that way, or if you've never been one for exercise before; there's a level for you. 

Pilates targets the deep postural muscles, building strength from the inside out; By focussing on good alignment, we can remove a huge amount of strain from our joints, ligaments and muscles. Pilates is also fantastic for those recovering from injury or childbirth - helping to build strength, release tension and rebalance the body.

Pilates helps to achieve a good balance of strength, flexibility and control, so we can get the best out of our bodies for longer. You should find classes invigorating yet relaxing and regular practise will lead to a more toned, supple & efficient body.


the History of Pilates

The originator of the Pilates Method, Joseph Pilates, was born in Germany in the late 1800s. He was a rather sickly child and his determination to overcome his fragility saw him experiment with various exercise regimes, approaches and methods. He drew on yoga, martial arts, gymnastics, bodybuilding, skiing, self-defence, dance, circus training, and weight training; selected the most effective features of these methods and worked out a system that offers a perfect balance of strength and flexibility. He set up a studio in New York in 1926, working with boxers but soon began to attract top ballet dancers, actors, actresses, gymnast and athletes
Joseph Pilates called his method Controlology – it only became known as Pilates after his death in 1967 and you can read more in his book  ‘Return To Life Through Controlology” (written in 1945 but updated in 2003)



Body Control Pilates is renowned as a world-leading education provider for Pilates teaching. The method offers a comprehensive programme of exercises for both mat and machine work. They are adapted from the ‘classical’ exercises developed by Joseph Pilates. We believe that many of these classical exercises are often not suitable for the average person and the average body. In order for someone to work safely and effectively and to gain the full benefits of Pilates, these classical exercises should be broken down to establish good movement skills thus building the best possible foundation upon which to progress towards the classical, more advanced work. This is the essence of the Body Control Pilates Method.

Body Control Pilates is remarkably effective - and medically-approved. It is of an holistic nature, being based upon a well-constructed philosophical foundation. Central to the Method is 'awareness of your own body' and each and every exercise is built around its eight basic principles:

Relaxation                 Concentration

Co-ordination           Centring

Alignment                 Breathing

Stamina                     Flowing Movement